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FC LONSDALE Среда, 05.02.2025, 12:36

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Начало » 2007 » Март » 17 » МАТЧИ
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f.c.Lonsdale - f.c.Legion (2:3)
Goal:Клюев, Курков-Koвтун, Сычев, Ковтун[/blue].
[color=red]f.c.Lonsdale: Илья Иванов, Орлов Денис(Кужекин Виталий), Грицкевич Дмитрий(Клюев Александр), Коновалов Дмитрий, Никифоров Алексей, Курков Дмитрий.

f.c.Legion: Калугин Стас, Сычев Александр, Колесниченко Михаил, Ковтун Александр, Антонов Никита(Шеховцов Алексей), Филин Сергей(Бабак Иван).
Репортаж:*1 тайм*Матч начался наступлениями "Легионеров".Они обрушали шквал атак на "НАШИ" ворота.Мы решили сразу не бросатся в бой.И всё же одна из первых наших атак завершилась взятием ворот.Это Клюев Алексанр в борьбе сумел поразить ворота "Легиона" (1:0)."Легион" начанал штурмовать наши ворота сильнее,но где-то в середине первого тайма,Курков Дмитрий решился на дальний удар.Удар сильным не получился,но очень точным и меную ноги игроков "Легиона" влетел в нижний левый угол (2:0).Затем команда"Lonsdale" расслабилась.Тут же Ковтун Александр использовал свой момент.Вратарь и защитники замешкались и Ковтун пробил неотразимо(2:1).
*2 тайм*Далее матч проходил при атаках "Легиона".Удар за ударом.Вот и это пренесло свои плоды.Падача углового закончилось взятием ворот.Сычёв Александр в борьбе на втором этаже пробил головой в левый угол,вратарь был бессилен помочь(2:2)."Lonsdale" атоковал редко,но опасно.Вот удар Куркова Дмитрия с углового угодил в штангу.Но итогом этого матча стала последняя атака "Легиона".Ковтун Александр поразил ворота с близкого расстояния(2:3).- Курков Дмитрий.
Для просмотра видео нажми СЮДА
Просмотров: 1110 | Добавил: Hooligans | Рейтинг: 5.0 |
Всего комментариев: 7
7 hallShart  
After getting more than 10000 visitors/day to my website I thought your fclonsdale.ucoz.ru website also need unstoppable flow of traffic...

Use this BRAND NEW software and get all the traffic for your website you will ever need ...

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Then another $86,299.13 in 90 days to be exact. That's $958.88 a

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6 Slognotatroff  
After getting more than 10000 visitors/day to my website I thought your fclonsdale.ucoz.ru website also need unstoppable flow of traffic...

Use this BRAND NEW software and get all the traffic for your website you will ever need ...

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In testing phase it generated 867,981 visitors and $540,340.

Then another $86,299.13 in 90 days to be exact. That's $958.88 a

And all it took was 10 minutes to set up and run.

But how does it work??

You just configure the system, click the mouse button a few
times, activate the software, copy and paste a few links and
you're done!!

Click the link BELOW as you're about to witness a software that
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= = > > http://mass-autopilot-traffic.com

5 tuckGexuake  
After getting more than 10000 visitors/day to my website I thought your fclonsdale.ucoz.ru website also need unstoppable flow of traffic...

Use this BRAND NEW software and get all the traffic for your website you will ever need ...

= = > > http://auto-massive-traffic.net

In testing phase it generated 867,981 visitors and $540,340.

Then another $86,299.13 in 90 days to be exact. That's $958.88 a

And all it took was 10 minutes to set up and run.

But how does it work??

You just configure the system, click the mouse button a few
times, activate the software, copy and paste a few links and
you're done!!

Click the link BELOW as you're about to witness a software that
could be a MAJOR turning point to your success.

= = > > http://auto-massive-traffic.net

4 tuckGexuake  
Breaking news...

Brand NEW software relased which can generate

867,981 visitors/month to your fclonsdale.ucoz.ru website

Does making $540,430 profit sound appealing?

Or maybe you just want 867,981 targeted visitors to your website?

If so, you'll want to download this software right now.

(Go NOW ... before *Google* takes it down)

= = > > http://massive-traffic-to-your-site.com

In fact...

It's time to abandon Google, Adwords & SEO... and to profit by doing something *different*.

I'm talking about a hidden traffic source that's...

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This is something radical.

A way to get profitable traffic, 100% on auto-pilot.

In fact, it's *GUARANTEED* that you haven't seen this anywhere...

Go here to see how webmasters like you generating more than 10000 visitors/day to their website and how you can too:

= = > > http://massive-traffic-to-your-site.com

3 Mydayexacep  
Earn up to $3500/month just by taking simple surveys online!

I tried one of those online survey sites about 4 months ago that
say all you have to do is spend a couple of minutes filling out
some surveys and you will be making hundreds a day..... YEAH RIGHT, I didn't make anything.

I joined 7 of these stupid websites and I actually tried filling
out a couple of surveys on each site and they took forever then at
the end they wanted me to buy things or I couldn't complete the

These are complete scams so be aware!!! I couldn't believe they
were even allowed to sell such bogus products.

Then about 2 weeks ago I was watching the news and they had some
vice presidents and marketing managers of some major multi million
dollar companies talking about a site that they personally work
with to pay consumers for their opinion, A site that actually just
wants the "average Joe's" honest opinion on products and services
and is willing to pay big money to get them. for more information
clik here: http://get-money-for-taking-surveys.info

2 Lonsdale  
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